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Cornerstone Enrichment & Cornerstone Academy
Code of Conduct

Colossians 3:23 “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.”


As followers of Christ, we have a responsibility to do all things unto Him. Our prayer at Cornerstone is that each child works diligently and with collaboration and respect toward each teacher, volunteer, and their fellow classmates.


Each child should consider the following as you prepare for a community day:


  1. Bring materials to class every week.  Students are required to bring their materials to class every community day.  This ranges from art supplies, folders and writing utensils when participating in the Enrichment program and coursebooks, 3-ring binders, lab notebooks, writing utensils and other requested materials when participating in Academy classes.  Please see individual course descriptions for details.

  2. Be respectful, listen and follow directions.  While in class, students are expected to be respectful in word and deed.  This will be easily obtained if we respect ourselves, respect each other and respect our environment. 

  3. Use materials with care & clean up after myself.  We are blessed to be able to meet in such a wonderful setting and have access to the materials and equipment that we have.  Students are required to use materials appropriately and with care.  When students are done with their work, they are expected to clean up their space and clean up common spaces as requested. 

  4. Work diligently.  To be diligent is to give constant effort to accomplish something; to be attentive and persistent.  Students are expected to work diligently in and out of class where requested, to pursue a better understanding of their course of study.  This will vary between the Enrichment and Academy programs. This may include, but is not limited to, taking notes, reading assignments, conducting experiments, participating in assigned activities and completing projects. 


At Cornerstone, we are truly honored to have your family choose our community to pursue your academic and enrichment interests. We strive to create a Christ-centered educational experience for each child and family. We believe that it is a privilege to be together in community. It is also a great responsibility for each community member to do their part in making our co-op a positive and nurturing environment. With this in mind, we have outlined action steps when handling negative behavior, should it arise.


Consequences for Negative Behavior

(Poor language, disruption of class, poor treatment of others)

  1. Verbal Warning

  2. Seat Change

  3. Removal from class for the day and a phone call home

  4. Removal from class if poor behavior and disruption continues.



I agree to the above and I choose to honor God with my full attention, best effort, and respectful attitude while at Cornerstone classes.

Cornerstone Family Enrichment

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