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Let us enrich the work your student is doing at home through history, art, literature, gym, and more!
Meets Wednesdays at Friendship Church in Prior Lake from 9am-2:30pm
Drop-off program with small volunteer commitment of 3 days per school year.
Classes divided up by age:
Little Learners (~5-6 year olds)​
Voyagers (~7 year olds)
Trailblazers (~8-9 year olds)
Explorers (~10-11 year olds)
Navigators (~11+ year olds)
Biblical Worldview Teaching​
Volunteer Commitment: 3 days per school year spent at Cornerstone as a teacher’s helper. No teaching or prep
work required. Buyout option of $50/day. -
Other optional activities include Choir Club, Makers Market, Track and Field Day, and Year-End Showcase Event
Request more information below:
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